Exhibit Entry:First and foremost, the fair is here because of exhibits. Please enter at least one item to make this year's fair the best ever! Regulations and Premium Lists are available on this site or from Diane Fosso at 218-929-0993.
Entries are accepted on Saturday morning from 9:00 to Noon. Premium Lists:Click on Youth or Adult to see the premium list. This will tell you what may be entered as well as details on how entries should be prepared.
Bazaar!There are so many talented people up in these North Woods! Check out the creative, quality goods at the Bazaar. If you are interested in bringing something to sell, Contact Hazel Kehoe at 218-969-3755 for more information.
Bear River Fair Market!Treasures old and new are found by poking around at the Market booths! You never know what you will find - from Antiques and Gently Used Items to wonderful items from Direct Sales companies, to newly crafted products and fresh baked goods. Contact Jane at 376-4556 for further information regarding setting up a table.
3:00-7:00 - Lake Street Gang Sunday: 1:00-3:00 - Casey Aro Tournaments!Softball Tournament:The Softball Tournament will be happening on Saturday and Sunday on two diamonds - the one at the Fairground and the one across the road behind the Viking Bar.
Bingo!Bingo is back this year! Numbers will be called out on both days.
Dunk Tank!Enjoy the fun of dunking someone - or being dunked. C'mon over to get all wet. Anyone willing to SIT on the Dunk Tank? Give Jane a call at 376-4556. Sitters must be at least 16.
HELP!We need YOU!!! If you are willing to step up and help out, please call Jane at 376-4556.
The Exhibit program is very important to the fair, and we need you to take part in that as well. Exhibits are the reason for Fairs in the first place, and it would be sad to have to discontinue the "heart" of our wonderful Bear River "Get-Together." Have you made anything in the past year? Photos? Crafts? Woodworking? Bring it! Do you have a garden? Bring some fruit or veggies! How about house plants? Take 'em along! The Bear River Fair is....Exhibits! Food Booths! Beer! Bingo!
Softball Tournament! Bear River Shirts for Sale! Author's Table! Flea Market! (Jane - 376-4556) Entertainment! Bazaar! (Hazel - 969-3755) Worship Service! (Sunday at 10:30) Sunday Dinner (12-2:00) Pie & Coffee (2:30 to when pie is gone) Saturday Pig Roast! ... and MORE! Food!Pig Roast:![]() 5:30 on Saturday Night! Tickets are available in advance for the Pig Roast by Mark's Country Market. It's a wonderful meal for just $12! Live music at the Pig Roast will be provided by the Lake Street Gang from - 3:00-7:00. Contact Jane Bartlett at 376-4556 or one of the Fair Committee for tickets. Food Booths:Popcorn, cotton candy, a variety of food concessions - along with a variety of soft drinks and beer will be offered on site both Saturday and Sunday.
Sunday Dinner:Dinner: A delicious dinner of Swedish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy will be served on Sunday afternoon from 11:30 to 2:00 p.m. inside the building.
Pie and Coffee will be served from 2:30 until it's gone. Youth Activities!Scavenger Hunt:"Kids" 12 years old & over are invited to take part in a Scavenger Hunt at 2:00 on Sunday. Prizes will be: $50, $25 & $10.
The Bouncer will be back this year! Adventure may be had with rides on the train and stagecoach as well!
Bear River Church will be conducting outdoor Worship Services at the Fair (up in the trees) on Sunday morning at 10:30.
Synod Authorized Minister Gloria Hegg will be conducting the worship service.
Synod Authorized Minister Gloria Hegg will be conducting the worship service.
First Responders!
Our area First Responders will be on hand on both Saturday and Sunday and will be offering FREE Blood Pressure checks from 10:00 to 4:00 on Saturday.
Our area First Responders will be on hand on both Saturday and Sunday and will be offering FREE Blood Pressure checks from 10:00 to 4:00 on Saturday.
Tickets are $1 each
We've got some GREAT prizes - 1st prize is a 10' Angler Kayak, 2nd prize is a Potting Table (handmade by Stan Bartlett), 3rd prizes are Too Numerous to Mention!
Tickets are available from many local folks. Just ask whoever you see!
Or... contact Bruce at 480-213-0767 or Jane at 376-4556.
Tickets are available from many local folks. Just ask whoever you see!
Or... contact Bruce at 480-213-0767 or Jane at 376-4556.
Get Ready to join the fun, food and fellowship of the Annual Bear River Fair!

Questions? Contact Bruce Stavseth at: 480-213-0767 or Jane Bartlett at: 218-376-4556